About Us

Cabana West is a licensed real estate broker company covering Fairfield County in Southern Florida. Our real estate agents are skilled and experienced real estate professionals. Cabana West cares about our clients and works hard to secure the best home fitting all their needs.
1. Have Passion For What You Do
In order to be successful at anything you do, you must truly love what you do. The key ingredient here is to always have passion for what you do and you will never work a single day in your life.
2. Always Maintain Your Client’s Interest At Heart
Connecting with our clients and sincerely caring for what his client wants is key to our success. As human beings, we all want to feel like we're being heard and understood. Always being sensitive to our clients' needs and advocating for the best solution.
3. Be Up on The Latest Technology
Technology gives you an advantage. People that lose their touch with technology get stuck in the past and no longer become relevant in the present.
4. Always Have A Positive Attitude
A person’s attitude rubs off on everyone around. Having a positive attitude will attract people to you and will make you feel confident and you will soon be surrounded by wonderful people. Cabana West believes that the key to a positive attitude is learning from your mistakes and failures. Use that knowledge to always have a positive attitude about everything you do, however menial it may seem. Cabana West believes that not every task you’re going to do is something you’ll enjoy, but have the attitude that these are stepping blocks towards your next path. Cabana West professionals surround themselves with happy and supportive people that express gratitude each day for their many blessings. Cabana West believes that healthy living starts with a smile and a positive attitude. We celebrate the joy in the small, precious moments shared with family and friends.
5. Have Integrity In Your Daily Living
Integrity means doing the right thing at all times and in all circumstances. We shouldn’t need a “business case” to do the right thing. Success will come and go but integrity is forever. Cabana West believes its business success was built on a reputation of integrity over many years.Yes, we were friends and he was such an iconic thinker. Cabana West’s greatest legacy is really its personal and business integrity.